The screen of green (SCROG) is a popular way to grow and can be very effective for increasing yields for those of us, like Missouri cultivators, who have limited plant counts. The idea is to train the plant into a trellis of some sort, encourage branching, so the plant can fill a larger footprint. I’ve found it to be a reliable strategy, though the grower should be aware that it does take extra time to realize the benefits.
The photo above includes three plants, though one plant takes up 2/3 of the 4’x4′ space. The second and third cut were installed because they were available and needed a home.
The SCROG starts before I turn the plants to a flowering light cycle. I prefer to use a PVC frame and netting that can be commonly found. The tops are pulled under the trellis every time they try and grow through them. This forces branching and keeps the tops below the level of the netting, stretching them toward the edges. The netting is also used as tie down points if needed, and a second layer of netting can be installed for further support. At the end of the grow you can harvest by carefully cutting around the net, then pull the entire net and PVC frame off without disassembling.
Given that pictures are worth 1000 words I’m including several pictures below that will give you a good idea of how this was done. There are many ways to accomplish this and it isn’t very difficult. I recommend you practice and it will only be a matter of time before you have a system of your own.
Happy Harvests!
— The Lit Farmer —