Relax. Please just relax.
Repeat to yourself, “I will be fine. This will wear off.”
It is literally all in your head and there is a fantastic chance that you’ll be just fine very soon. I’d list the symptoms of over-medication, but chances are that you’ll know them when you see them, and they vary from person to person. Bottom line, if cannabis has caused you impairment and it makes you uncomfortable, you are over-medicated. Now that you’re calm, you can try:
CBDCBD is a cannabinoid with high medical value. It lessens t... – Take 1mg of CBDCBD is a cannabinoid with high medical value. It lessens t... per 10 pounds of body weight. Example: a 200lb person should take 20mg CBDCBD is a cannabinoid with high medical value. It lessens t.... CBDCBD is a cannabinoid with high medical value. It lessens t... generally counteracts the psychoactive effects of THCTHC is the most famous cannabinoid and is psychoactive. TH... More to some extent.
Change your environment – Adjust the lighting, turn on some soothing music, or lay down. Any of these things can help you change the experience. Just be careful walking if you’re feeling dizzy or have too much physical impairment.
Take your mind off of it – Grab a puzzle book or maybe fire up the Xbox. Call a friend and have a chat; there is some truth in the notion of “talking someone down.” Anything you can occupy your mind with will help distract you from the strange sensations and anxious thoughts you may be feeling. Sometimes a little distraction is all it takes.
Sleep it off – If you feel like falling asleep, you go right ahead! Drowsiness is a common effect of THCTHC is the most famous cannabinoid and is psychoactive. TH... More and this is the time to embrace it. You will be fine. It is extremely unlikely that anything will happen when you’re asleep other than fast-forwarding through an unpleasant experience.
Once you’re feeling better, talk to your physician or local Patient Care Advisor and ask them for tips to avoid over-medicating with cannabis. It would be a great idea to document the dose and situation that lead to your discomfort.
Further Reading: