Myths and facts about cannabis

In the age of information, the amount of data a person can access on any given subject is staggering. However, there is a volume of misinformation available as well. Of course, we all know about fake news and the dire effects it can have. It can be difficult to tell fact from fiction, even when …

Older patients are increasingly turning to cannabis for their ailments

Recent studies seem to indicate that our older citizens will be electing to try medical marijuana more and more. Between the years of 2013-2016 the usage rates of folks ages 50-64 were up by several percentage points. It’s not clear precisely why, but this could have to do with; increased social acceptance, less cost for …

Medical cannabis does not create public safety issues

Studies indicate that tobacco and alcohol specific retail stores invite higher rates of crime than do medical cannabis dispensaries. Overall, medical cannabis dispensaries may actually see less crime. We believe that a strong security posture and close relationship with local law enforcement are keys to ensuring a cannabis operation does not have a direct impact …

Public health windfall found in medical cannabis

The research seems to be clear at this point. Public Health will improve via medical cannabis. While arguments can be made against this notion in adult-use (so called “recreational”) markets, it seems clear that medical cannabis specifically has little downside. Experts mainly cite the potential for underage abuse, but there doesn’t seem to be any …

Positive economic impacts will come with medical cannabis

It is hard to deny the positive economic impacts that medical cannabis can bring to a community. As soon as a new cannabis business comes to town there will be a flurry of building. Hopefully the business owner has a preference for using builders who are local, as this will keep the money spent for …

State refuses to provide personally identifiable information

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has refused requests aimed at identifying individuals who have applied for cannabis facility licenses. While Article 14 could be interpreted otherwise, I think it is excellent that DHSS is erring on the side of caution. I also take this as a positive sign that DHSS will …

Chronic Pain is #1 condition treated with medical cannabis

A recent study by the University of Michigan, published in the February 2019 edition of Health Affairs, reports that 62.2% of medical cannabis patients were issued medical cards due to their chronic pain. This study also found that there is substantial evidence to support cannabis as a treatment for chronic pain in addition to nausea …

Cannabis buds are medicine

Some people have ignorantly argued that the whole cannabis plant, and specifically it’s flower, is not a medicine. The suggestion is that only the active cannabinoids (THCTHC is the most famous cannabinoid and is psychoactive.  TH… More & CBDCBD is a cannabinoid with high medical value.  It lessens t…) are of therapeutic interest. I suppose …