Spouses should be Caregivers too

Patients should strongly consider registering their spouses, significant others, or close relatives as caregivers for them. The process for doing so costs only $25 and will help provide additional legal protections. A patient can have two caregivers, so if you are looking for a caregiver to cultivate on your behalf you can do that as …

Starting Medical Marijuana from Seed

This article outlines my method for starting seeds destined for organic living soil. There are 100 perfectly fine ways to go about it, and mine is only one example. However, this method is just about as simple as you can get and avoids the use of tweezers and fine motor control that I have lost …

Don’t get taken advantage of by a “Caregiver”

I have yet to see a big problem with folks getting taken advantage of, but I think it wise to go into a caregiver/patient relationship with eyes wide open. I’d wager that most caregivers truly want to help. Those who are pretending to be caregivers for the wrong reasons should be easy to spot. Here’s …

HID Lighting

I’ve chosen to write about high intensity discharge (HID) lighting now because these lights still have a place in the home grow. HID lights come in several flavors such as; metal halide (MH), high pressure sodium (HPS), compact metal halide (CMH), and double ended high pressure sodium (DE HPS). HPS and MH have been the …

Timers for your cannabis grow

Because most cannabis is photoperiodic, properly functioning light timers are extremely important. Should timers fail your cannabis will become stressed at the very least. At worst, intersex traitsOften called ‘hermies’ or ‘nanners;’ Unpollinated female can… (male flowers on female plants) could seed your crop. These seeds are virtually unusable and the quality of the finished …

DIY Drying Cabinet

Cultivators often don’t have a dedicated space to dry their medical cannabis. I can maintain ideal conditions for drying in my room, except for the darkness aspect (I’m never without plants). Drying cannabis needs to be dark so we can deactivate the chloroplasts (tastes bad) in the plant. Here, we’ll go through the steps to …

Caregiving & Costs

Let me first acknowledge that this blog post won’t make me popular among some folks as I’m about to peel back the veil so we can all see clearly. However, the intent here is to empower patients through understanding. A couple caregiver/cultivators I’ve chatted with have been unsure how to valuate the service they are …

Becoming a Caregiver

Fortunately, neither the Missouri State Constitution nor the administrators of the Missouri Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) have created hurdles for becoming a caregiver. The process is fairly straight forward – follow these steps: Find a MMMP Patient who needs someone to grow medicine for, or otherwise assist them. Ensure that the patient has already applied …

Missouri Needs More Caretakers

It is apparent that there is an increasing number of qualified Missouri Medical Marijuana Patients who do not have access to medicine. I, and others, have drawn this conclusion from the statistics. As of the end of September, 2019, there are nearly 12,000 patients with approved cards. The number of cultivation permits are not seen …

Cannabis Cultivation Books

There are piles and piles of informative articles on the internet, and one can learn all they need from free online resources. However, I still really enjoy having books at my fingertips. They make great references. Here are the books I reference the most. This is also a good time to mention that these are …