Tolerance can be an issue with any medicine and medicinal marijuana is no different. Most research regarding cannabinoid tolerance has to do with THCTHC is the most famous cannabinoid and is psychoactive. TH… More, it’s primary intoxicating ingredient. This is likely because THCTHC is the most famous cannabinoid and is psychoactive. TH… More produces the …
Category Archives: Dosing and Tolerance
Bioavailability of cannabinoids
At first glance, its easy for a patient to choose their medical cannabis products based solely on the amount of cannabinoids contained in each one. However, what really matters is how much of said cannabinoids actually make it into the patient’s system. Bioavailability: “the degree and rate at which a substance (such as a drug) …
Help, I overdosed!
Relax. Please just relax. Repeat to yourself, “I will be fine. This will wear off.” It is literally all in your head and there is a fantastic chance that you’ll be just fine very soon. I’d list the symptoms of over-medication, but chances are that you’ll know them when you see them, and they vary …
Bi-phasic effect: THC is a two way street
THCTHC is the most famous cannabinoid and is psychoactive. TH… More is the component of cannabis that produces psychoactive effects in the patient. It is also with this compound that most of the negative side-effects of cannabis are associated. Isn’t it interesting that, scientifically, THCTHC is the most famous cannabinoid and is psychoactive. TH… More …
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Proper dosing with cannabis
It is possible to medicate with cannabis without becoming intoxicated. Beyond intoxication, when patients feel they have over-medicated with cannabis it is almost always because of the negative side effects of THCTHC is the most famous cannabinoid and is psychoactive. TH... More. It is often extremely uncomfortable. That said, even the most mild side-effects can be undesirable. As such, it is important to find the …