For those who are interested in growing cannabis outdoors in Missouri, one of the most fun ways to get ready is to shop for genetics. It’s like window shopping and can I please have two of everything? As fun as it is, there are a few things to consider when selecting genetics for an outdoor …
Category Archives: Education
Cannabis pest management: basic biocontrols
Staying ahead of pests should be high on the list of things to do for a new grower. You invest a lot of time and money in your medical cannabis garden so you should really consider spending just a little bit more to keep it safe from pests. In a previous article we covered the …
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Practice safe asexual propagation of cannabis
A number of new growers are bringing home clonessoft-tissue cutting of a cannabis plant. A misnomer. to start their grow with. While this is an attractive way to skip ahead in the process, you must realize that adopting clonessoft-tissue cutting of a cannabis plant. A misnomer. is the number one way to bring pests into …
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Taking cuttings from cannabis
I usually prefer to produce simplified procedures and articles that focus on the most basic information, delivered in a direct way using every day language. A lot of the articles written on cannabis topics are a little over the top and packed with piles of detail that can distract from what you really want to …
Cannabis chemotypes
This is a very important topic for patients and their needs. In previous articles we discussed genotypes and phenotypes of cannabis. Like phenotypes, chemotypes are produced by an expression of the genotype when grown in a particular environment. In other words, the genotype defines a range of possible chemotypes and the environmental parameters determine the …
Fabric pots – cannabis transplanting technique
Fabric pots are a great way to encourage your cannabis to maximize its root development. However, fabric pots can pose problems for the farmer who is used to dealing with plastic pots. When transplanting from plastic pots, you simply flip them over and slide them out of the old pot. This is not the case …
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Pest management for cannabis
Do you have a plan? It’s not a matter of if; it’s a matter of when you will get pests. Prevention of pests is impossible, and so is eradication. This is why it is called pest management. A grower must assume that they already have pests and do what you can to ensure that you …
Beware the pollen-chucker
Increasingly, I’m seeing people offering their custom bred seeds. I don’t mind the basic premise and, in fact, I would encourage everyone to try their hand at breeding! I agree with a friend of mind who recently said, “I’d like to see cannabis in the hands of anyone who wants to have it.” However, the …
Growing cannabis in Missouri sunlight
Purists will say that using natural sunlight for growing your cannabis is the only way to go. I find it hard to outright disagree – and solid arguments can be made either way. It is certainly the most cost-effective way to grow. However, it is not as easy as just sticking a cannabis seedling in …
Outdoor growing; Missouri medical marijuana legalities
Growing outdoors is possible under the regulations established by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. However, in order to establish and safe and secure place for outdoor cultivation one must abide by the rules, and use a little common sense. The most relevant rule is found in the “Definitions” section of the emergency …
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