Free Confidential Missouri Patient and Patient Cultivator Consultation

If you are working on an application for Missouri Medical Marijuana Program Patient and/or Cultivator certification and have questions, we have the answers. If you are trying to riddle out the best way to setup a personal grow space, we have the answers. While we can’t provide legal advice, we are very familiar with Article …

Managing cannabinoid tolerance

Tolerance can be an issue with any medicine and medicinal marijuana is no different. Most research regarding cannabinoid tolerance has to do with THCTHC is the most famous cannabinoid and is psychoactive.  TH… More, it’s primary intoxicating ingredient. This is likely because THCTHC is the most famous cannabinoid and is psychoactive.  TH… More produces the …

Missouri Medical Marijuana; list of doctors and clinics

Last Updated: 7/15/2020 Arch Advanced Pain Management (St Louis) Roark Family Health, Cassville, Mo. (tele-health visits) Blake Bell Chiropractic and Pain Management Florissant, Mo. Mary Clark, Purpose Medical Kansas City, MO 64116 Jay Humfeld, Hemp HavenLee’s Summit, MOKansas City,MO Dr. Nanette Crighton Springfield, Mo. Dr. Gil Mobley Springfield , Mo. Elite Pain Management, Springfield, Mo. …

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) is defined by the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center as a condition that leads to repeated and severe bouts of vomiting. It is rare and only occurs in daily long-term users of marijuana. Readers may have caught on to the fact that we prefer to give the straight scoop – the good and …

Green Health Docs; a first hand review

In my own quest to obtain a physician’s certification I’ve been met with disappointment on more than one occasion. Following my own advice about talking to a doctor about medical cannabis, I started a conversation with my family physician. I did so at a yearly appointment but quickly found that my doctor was mostly unprepared …

The potential benefits of CBD

Cannabidiol (CBDCBD is a cannabinoid with high medical value.  It lessens t…) is one of the best known cannabinoids. Therapeutic uses of CBDCBD is a cannabinoid with high medical value.  It lessens t… alone, which is derived from industrial hemp, have been legal for some time now. This compound stimulates the endocannabinoid system and can …

What could change a doctor’s mind about medical cannabis?

This first video has Dr. Sanjay Gupta giving you that answer for himself. The second video is a compilation of Dr. Gupta’s 4 part series entitled, “Weed.” For your viewing pleasure, we’re also providing a summary of times in the video for each part, as well as the topics covered. Caution is advised, there are …

Legalizing medical marijuana is a foregone conclusion for almost everyone, except Congress

I’ll be fair, even congress is changing. Ideology will eventually fall to science on this issue. It is just a matter of time at this point. While I’m also certain about legalization of “adult-use” (“recreational-use”), the science behind medical cannabis seems abundantly clear. The evidence, scientific and anecdotal, is so clear that 94% of Americans …

What to expect at a medical marijuana examination

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has published guidelines to set expectations for medical marijuana examinations. These rules are currently in draft form, but will become official on June 4th, 2019. Now that you have found a doctor willing to prescribe medicinal cannabis, what should you expect during your exam? The most …