Bi-phasic effect: THC is a two way street

THC is the component of cannabis that produces psychoactive effects in the patient. It is also with this compound that most of the negative side-effects of cannabis are associated. Isn’t it interesting that, scientifically, THC has proven to be a highly effective anti-emetic (anti-nausea) agent; yet nausea can be a symptom of over-medication as well? This has to do with the compounds therapeutic window and its bi-phasic effects.

“Bi-phasic effects” is just a fancy way of saying that it can effect the same person in two very different ways. Remember, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a bodily system that has to do with balance, or homeostasis. Not enough of an endocannabinoid and the scale tips to one side, too much and it can tip to the other side. A proper dose of phytocannabinoids aims for balance in the system.

The therapeutic window refers to the difference between the minimum and maximum effective doses. You know it is an effective dose because it alleviates the desired symptoms. Cannabis is well known for having a wide therapeutic window as well. Meaning you can find symptom relief with a range of doses.

For example: let’s consider a chemotherapy patient who is taking high-THC cannabis to control nausea symptoms. That patient may consume 1mg or 2mg of THC without relief. However, when the patient takes 3mg, the nausea goes away. This is the minimum dose in that patient’s therapeutic window. This is also the precise dose we would recommend. Less is more.

However, let’s say the patient can take as much as 10mg of THC and still get relief, but at an 11mg dose, the nausea returns. In this case, 10mg is the maximum in this patients therapeutic window. If the patient were to take 20mg of THC, there is a very real chance that not only will they be nauseous, but they may be even worse off than before they consumed their medicine.

So remember, less is more. Finding and staying at the lower end of effective doses is for the best. Never forget that, especially with THC, too much of a good thing can be very, very uncomfortable.

Further reading:

Published by Eric

Lit Naturals founder, Eric McSwain, serves as Chairman of the Board for the Missouri Cannabis Industry Association. He is also a certified caregiver and patient. Eric's wife is also a caregiver and he also mentors several other caregivers in the state of Missouri. Eric's passion is for educating patients in the use of cannabis as well as at-home cultivation.