Auto-flowering cannabis life-cycle

Autos have gained a great deal of popularity as breeders have gotten better and better at producing quality cultivars. I wrote a bit about how autos came to be in another article, so we’ll skip that part and get right to the meat of the topic today. Advantages of growing auto-flowering cannabis: No transplanting Use …

Knowing when to flower your cannabis

I’ve heard it asked many times; when should a cultivator ‘flip’ their cannabis plants into the flowering stage? The easy answer: any time! However, there are a lot of factors that could influence this decision. I won’t go into all the possible scenarios. Instead, let’s focus on your primary limiting factor – ceiling height. Knowing …

Perfect moisture; watering weed like Goldilocks

I’m not talking about a blonde Rastafarian, this is a reference to the fairy tale character. You know, she doesn’t like too much, or too little – she prefers it just right. I believe that the top problems with home grows are over-watering, under-watering, and over-fertilization. The latter is a topic for another day. We’ll …

Beware the fall pest invasion

Where else would a pest rather live than in the ideal conditions of your indoor garden? The creepy crawlies are a potential problem all year long, but the crisp fall weather here in Missouri gives them reason to specifically seek out other places to live. They can and will invade your space so be especially …

Tips for transplanting cannabis

Everyone will need to transplant at one point or another. Transplanting new cuttings can be easy, while 3′ plants in fabric pots are challenging. For our purposes, we’ll assume it is a routine transplanting with a cannabis plant that is more than a handful and that you are transplanting from soil to soil. Most of …

Water sources for a Medical Marijuana grow

Discussing water in a cannabis growing forum is like talking about oil in a motorcycle forum. Everyone has an opinion on the subject and you’ll earn piles of information, good and bad. At the end of the day, hydroponically grown cannabis will be much more sensitive to pH as compared to soil-grown cannabis. You also …

Spouses should be Caregivers too

Patients should strongly consider registering their spouses, significant others, or close relatives as caregivers for them. The process for doing so costs only $25 and will help provide additional legal protections. A patient can have two caregivers, so if you are looking for a caregiver to cultivate on your behalf you can do that as …

Starting Medical Marijuana from Seed

This article outlines my method for starting seeds destined for organic living soil. There are 100 perfectly fine ways to go about it, and mine is only one example. However, this method is just about as simple as you can get and avoids the use of tweezers and fine motor control that I have lost …

Don’t get taken advantage of by a “Caregiver”

I have yet to see a big problem with folks getting taken advantage of, but I think it wise to go into a caregiver/patient relationship with eyes wide open. I’d wager that most caregivers truly want to help. Those who are pretending to be caregivers for the wrong reasons should be easy to spot. Here’s …