Green Health Docs; a first hand review

In my own quest to obtain a physician’s certification I’ve been met with disappointment on more than one occasion. Following my own advice about talking to a doctor about medical cannabis, I started a conversation with my family physician. I did so at a yearly appointment but quickly found that my doctor was mostly unprepared …

The potential benefits of CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the best known cannabinoids. Therapeutic uses of CBD alone, which is derived from industrial hemp, have been legal for some time now. This compound stimulates the endocannabinoid system and can provide a long list of potential therapies. Many of those known effects can be found in the included infographic. People …

Attitudes toward marijuana legalization continue to shift

As recently as 2016, reports have indicated that legal cannabis markets are eroding the Mexican cartel’s profits. Mexican growers complain about the reduced American demand and the lowering of prices that followed. Indeed, it seems that quality is one of the key factors that is leading people away from Mexican cannabis, despite the much lower …

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